Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mickey James Schack

Yeah!! He finally got here. One week late. I had a scheduled c-section for Monday the 21st but went into labor on Sunday night. After close to 18 hours of labor he did not want to come out so I ended up with another c-section anyway. Oh well, at least I got to try. We are so glad he is here. So far is he is a sweet mellow baby. We feel very lucky. Here are a few pictures. It is crazy to have another one. Once again I am incredibly thankful for all the help we have from our families.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Still nothing...

I was sure this baby wouldn't be late like Marley. I even had what I thought was labor on Wednesday. I was sure it was happening, then nothing! Wow. I am four days late and at this point am just glad I have a c-section scheduled for Monday. There is light at the end of this tunnel of misery that I put myself in. I can't wait. Luckily we have lots of family here. They are all so much help. We've eaten dinner with Jake's parents nearly every night. I can't remember the last time I cooked. My dad even cleaned my oven that I lit on fire last week. We are very lucky. Here are some recent pictures.
Marley's first Happy Meal.

Grandpa, Marley, and Papa

Nana and Marley

Monday, April 7, 2008

Junior's Room

I am soooooo ready for junior to arrive. The room is ready, we have everything we need. Jim and Jackie are here....come on baby!

This is some art in Junior's room. It's a National Parks poster for the Northwest by Charley Harper. I love reminds me a lot of Montana too.